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frequently asked questions

What is ABLD?

The Academic Business Library Directors (ABLD) organization consists of US and Canadian business library directors and business librarians. ABLD provides a forum to discuss mutual concerns and share information on a variety of interests, including but not limited to: managerial and administrative issues and trends, maintaining relationships with information vendors, and influencing the development of new products and services for the academic business library market.

Who is eligible for ABLD membership?

Membership is open to any academic business library directors, library leaders, business subject librarians, and other librarians who have substantial leadership, management, or budgetary responsibilities for business library collections, staffing, operations, or resources that support business school research and curriculum in the United States or Canada. Additionally, membership is based on organization affiliation, and there can only be one individual member from any organization represented in ABLD at a time.  For more information, visit our Membership Eligibility page.

How many members does ABLD have?

ABLD membership is capped at 50 members. Our current membership list is available here

How is ABLD governed?

The leadership structure of ABLD consists of a six-member Board of Directors. The Board consists of the following positions: Chair, Chair-Elect, Past Chair, Vendor Relations Liaison, Meeting Host, and Past Meeting Host. More information about our Board is available in our bylaws. 

What are the expectations of ABLD members?

Each ABLD member is required to actively participate in the work for the group throughout the year. There are many opportunities for participation that range in scope and focus. ABLD members are expected to attend at least one in-person annual meeting every three years. At a minimum, ABLD members are expected to complete an annual “Year In Review” on the state of their library/library work.

What is Ticker?

Ticker: The Academic Business Librarianship Review is an open access journal that is produced and published by ABLD. The journal provides a forum for the exchange of research, best practices, and innovative thinking in business librarianship and business library management. Ticker seeks articles from all members of business librarianship. For more information on the journal, its editorial board, and processes for submitting manuscripts, please visit the Ticker website.


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